Data Loaders

Data loaders provide a convenient way to process data from various data files in your streams. You can access the values of each data set as if it were an object, containing the header names as attributes.

Currently, PyStreamAPI supports reading data from CSV, JSON, XML and YAML files.

To use the loaders, you can import them with this line:

from pystreamapi.loaders import csv, json, xml, yaml

CSV loader

In order to load the data from a CSV file, you can use the csv loader.

You just need the file's path, and you can optionally specify the delimiter and the encoding. By default, the encoding is set to UTF-8.

By default, all values get converted to int, float, bool or otherwise str. The type casting can be disabled to speed up the reading time by setting the cast_types parameter to False.

The examples below use this CSV file:

from pystreamapi import Stream
from pystreamapi.loaders import csv

Stream.of(csv("path/to/data.csv", delimiter=";", encoding="us-ascii")) \
    .map(lambda x: \
    .for_each(print) # "Joe", "Jane", "John"

If you want to disable type conversion, you can use the loader like this:

from pystreamapi import Stream
from pystreamapi.loaders import csv

Stream.of(csv("path/to/data.csv", cast_types=False, delimiter=";")) \
    .map(lambda x: x.age) \
    .for_each(print) # "20", "30", "78"

JSON loader

In order to load the data from a JSON file, you can use the json loader.

You can read data either from a JSON file or a string containing JSON. If you read from a string you have to set the read_from_src parameter to True.

By default, all values get converted to int, float, bool or otherwise str.

The example below uses this JSON file:

    "name": "Joe",
    "age": 20
    "name": "Jane",
    "age": 30
    "name": "John",
    "age": 78
from pystreamapi import Stream
from pystreamapi.loaders import json

Stream.of(json("path/to/data.json")) \
    .map(lambda x: \
    .for_each(print) # "Joe", "Jane", "John"

If you want to pass the JSON directly as a string, you can do it like that:

from pystreamapi import Stream
from pystreamapi.loaders import json

               read_from_src=True)) \
    .map(lambda x: x.age) \
    .for_each(print)  # 20, 30

XML loader

In order to load the data from an XML file, you can use the xml loader.

def xml(src: str, read_from_src=False, retrieve_children=True, cast_types=True,

The loader isn't included in the core version of pystreamapi. You can install it using the following command:

pip install '[xml_loader]'

You just need the file's path, and you can optionally specify the encoding. By default, the encoding is set to UTF-8.

You can read data either from an XML file or a string containing XML. If you read from a string, you have to set the read_from_src parameter to True.

By default, all values get converted to int, float, bool or otherwise str. The type casting can be disabled to speed up the reading time by setting the cast_types parameter to False.

The XML loader directly retrieves the children nodes from the XML's root. By setting the retrieve_children parameter to False you disable this feature and your stream will only consist of one object containing the whole XML tree.

The examples below use this XML file:

        <name>John Doe</name>
        <name>Alice Smith</name>
        <name>Martini Boss</name>

Here you can see a few examples illustrating how to access different nodes.

from pystreamapi import Stream
from pystreamapi.loaders import xml

Stream.of(xml("path/to/data.xml")) \
    .map(lambda x: \
    .for_each(print)  # John Doe, Alice Smith, Martini Boss
Stream.of(xml("path/to/data.xml")) \
      .map(lambda x: \
      .for_each(print)  # 'Audi', ['Volvo', 'Volkswagen'], ['Bugatti', 'Mercedes']

Stream.of(xml("path/to/data.xml")) \
      .map(lambda x: type(x).__name__) \
      .for_each(print)  # employee, employee, founder

If you disable child retrieving, you have to map the object's children manually:

        <name>John Doe</name>
        <name>Alice Smith</name>
from pystreamapi import Stream
from pystreamapi.loaders import xml

Stream.of(xml("data.xml", retrieve_children=False)) \
    .map(lambda x: x.employee) \
    .flat_map(lambda x: Stream.of(x)) \
    .map(lambda x: \
    .for_each(print)  # John Doe, Alice Smith

YAML loader

In order to load the data from a YAML file, you can use the yaml loader.

You can read data either from a YAML file or a string containing YAML. If you read from a string you have to set the read_from_src parameter to True.

By default, all values get converted to int, float, bool or otherwise str.

The example below uses this JSON file:

- name: Joe
  age: 20
- name: Jane
  age: 30
- name: John
  age: 78
from pystreamapi import Stream
from pystreamapi.loaders import yaml

Stream.of(yaml("path/to/data.yaml")) \
    .map(lambda x: \
    .for_each(print) # "Joe", "Jane", "John"

If you want to pass the YAML directly as a string, you can do it like that:

from pystreamapi import Stream
from pystreamapi.loaders import yaml

Stream.of(yaml("- name: Joe\n  age: 20\n- name: Jane\n  age: 30", 
               read_from_src=True)) \
    .map(lambda x: x.age) \
    .for_each(print)  # 20, 30

Last updated

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